Mirabellia is a small town with big dreams of one day dominating the universe. We pride ourselves on our amazing sarcastic abilities. Within our fair city lies five main buildings: The Blue Rose Tavern
The Visitors Center
The Information Center
The Newbie Center
The Public Archives
The Blue Rose Tavern is a place for friends to laugh and role play in a medieval setting. The medieval part may change to "fantasy," but frankly, I'm afraid of what kind of element we might attract with that. You will often see the Tavern lacking an owner inside, but do be cautious anyway; you never know who's watching...
The Visitors Center can also be called a guestbook. We encourage all of our visitors to sign in and give us a few constructive comments here and there if they have them. And if you don't, we never tire of hearing what a wonderful job we've done. ~smile~
The Information Center is here. Our city may be very small at the moment, but as it grows, this page will, too. There are plans for a second chat room in the future, as our population grows, along with many other types of buildings (perhaps not even chat rooms). If you have any suggestions for new buildings, please let us know. Don't forget to include your name, so we can include it in the credits.
The Newbie Center is a place where newbies (people who don't know what the heck role-playing is) can go to get some information. It covers everything but how to talk out of character, because we ran out of room and it just looks so good the way it is right now. So, newbies...deal. You can learn how to talk OOC from the rest of us. :)
The Public Archives are records of all our official citizens, kept in the Archives building. These profiles are openly known as public, and no private information (any information which is NOT specified as public) is kept in these profiles. You may view them at any time.