None of this make sense?
Try going to our
General Rules
1.) WARNING: Excessively annoying people can be kicked out of the room (or even the board) at the moderator's discretion.
2.) Please try to stay in character as much as possible,
and when out of character, use ( ) or )) to signify it. If you were
taught some other way, that's fine. Just make sure we can all tell the difference between your comments and you character's.
3.) Keep swearing to a minimum. If you spout profanity all the time, how are we supposed to know when you're really mad? There is a difference between swearing for a reason and swearing because you can swear.
4.) Don't destroy my countryside. Please, just... don't.
5.) Please don't open any gates to Hell. It's just not nice. 
6.) Don't pose as anyone else. It really bugs us. Be original, for crying out loud.
7.) If you are going to make a villain/bad guy, please don't kill anyone just because. See fighting rules also, just to make sure we're on the same page.
8.) Minimum number of characters: one. Maximum: three. If you want any more than three, please e-mail me and let me know who you are (all three of you) and who you plan on being/making as a new char.
9.) Don't sit in a room and do NOTHING...unless of course you have a legitimate reason, like, say, being actually away from the computer.
10.) Be nice to the newbies. Hey, you were a newbie once.
11.) No scrolling (spamming the screen with messages).
12.) Upon becoming a member, you are expected to post messages on the board every once in a while, just to let us all know you're still alive and kicking. If you show a tendency to not post messages, you run the risk of getting banished from the city, only to return upon re-submission of a request form. I understand that your life doesn't revolve around this web site, and I don't want it to, but occasional attendance would be nice. And if you have problems getting online often, let me know; I'll take you off the kick list.
13.) No trashing the place. You break it, you bought it.
14.) Don't have your char mysteriously find out information that you saw but your character didn't.
15.) Don't call Lia at three o'clock in the morning because you want her to post. In fact, don't call Lia at three o'clock in the morning for ANY reason other than dire emergency. I can't believe I have to put this up here.
16.) This rule applies to the moderators -- DO NOT kick someone out of the room because you don't like them or their opinions. They have every right to be in the chat room or message board as you do, and banning someone from the boards and rooms requires my consent, along with a majority ruling from all miscellaneous moderators. If you can't get along with someone, don't talk to them. If you have a serious problem, come talk to me about it.
17.) Remember that you are not your character, and that I am not mine, even though you and your character may be very similar in personality. If my character calls your character an idiot, I'm not calling you an idiot, so don't throw a hissie fit about it. Unless you feel like entertaining me, of course.
Fighting Rules
1.) Don't fight someone unless you have their explicit out of character consent. Send them a P.M. (Private Message) and ask if they will let you fight with them. If they say no, leave them alone. Some people don't like fighting.
2.) Don't kill someone without their out of character consent. Some people want to kill off their character and make a new one, which is perfectly okay, but others don't. Please respect their wishes...
3.) Easy on the gore. Stomachs can only take so much.
4.) There is no set fighting style (see rule 5), because Lia isn't too fond of fighting when she roleplays. SO, you guys get to decide exactly what is wrong or right with what you do. If you can't handle that kind of responsibility, I can easily do some research and revoke it. Or I could simply make fighting in any way, shape or form against the rules... but let's not go there.
5.) Again, there is no real general fighting style, but most of us are freestyle. This means that the person behind the character (or mun, as you may call it) controls the outcome of all events; when your character hits theirs, he or she is merely attempting. The other person then decides to either dodge, be hit, or ignore it as if your character had not done a thing. You have the same right if someone else's character hits you, of course. And hey, if there's another style that one of you would care to explain and have us put on this page as rule #6 or something, let me know!
Personal note:
I have no control over the actions that occur in the chat room when I am not present.
I put my complete and total trust in the members (I have to), and if something that you dislike goes on, I'd like to hear about it. E-mail me a formal complaint, and I'll take things into consideration. Please do not think that since I wasn't there I'll let your concern go unnoticed. I am, surprisingly, a nice person sometimes.
Questions or Comments? Please