Hey, all!
Lia, here. Just trying something
new, as always.
I decided to give everyone a character
profile! Yeah, isn't that a treat? The whole thing is totally optional, and even though everyone has one (see complete list here), most of them are blank. I need your information to fill them.
Those of you who have used MSN chat
are familiar with this type of thing, and it's a great way for everyone to find out a little bit more about each other without having to ask and answer the same questions a hundred times.
This is how it works:
I will make a page for everyone
who joins the city with the information they put in the form. If they want to change it at any time,
all they have to do is write me
with the exact stuff you want to change in there. The profile pages will be titled after the name of their character (unless otherwise specified), so EVERYONE can access them. For example, since my character's name is Lia, my profile page would be:
https://mirabellia.tripod.com/members/Lia.htmlUnderstand so far? Good! Please note that the addresses are case-sensitive (ex.: if you typed "lia.html" instead of "Lia.html," you would get an error message).
Remember that ALL your information
is totally optional. In fact, you COULD just give us false information!
My example:
Jane Doe's Character's Name
Marital Status
Favorite Things
Personal Statement
Jane Doe's
Real Name
Marital Status
Favorite Things
Personal Statement
P.S.: If you want pictures on your profile (like the example above), let me know where you got them and I'll upload them into the system. Please try to avoid sending the actual file in an e-mail or whatnot. If you know where it is online, PLEASE just send an address. Thanks.