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Jon Crosby
Age: 23
Race: Human
Occupation: Plays his guitar at a coffee shop somewhere for measely pay and whatever tips he can get.
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: Writer, poet, activist, musician, and general enigma.
Personal Statement: I mean, I know this world needs help. That's why some of my generation are kind of rebels, you know? We wonder if we're going to be alive when we're thirty.          

N.L. Sorenson
Age: 16
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Web designer, writer, poet, wannabe musician, and oh yes, the one and only Macroist.
Location: Arlington, Texas - just north of Nowhere.
Hobbies: This is pretty much the same as what I do - I sit around, write, draw, sleep, write some more, sleep some more, enjoy a hot bath, go to sleep, wake up, go to school, sleep some more, wake up, come home from school...
Personal Statement: Society bases itself on its own importance to others. Often this creates entire neverending and vicious circles of predictable patterns of behavior. So I ask you - why not be predicatably unpredicatable?