(All updates made in 2002)

12/28 MUAHA! But anything you click on is subject to error for a little bit, until I get everything finished and fixed and stuff. What would really help me out is if you spotted a dead link or an image that's corrupted, let me know. The changing of servers left a lot of things dead, and I'm pretty sure I fixed it all, but there's only so much one woman can do.

12/27 New format again. I just can't stop fiddling with this stuff.

I'm getting the new site toniiight! ~dances~ Expect it to be fully functional soon, because I'm getting the new site toniiiight! WOO!

12/26 The new site - it's been put off somewhat due to some financial difficulties. However, I guarantee you that it -will- be up and running some time after the new year, if not before that.

In the meantime, if you have a name for that penguin, e-mail it to me. And if you have a good quote for him to say, e-mail that as well. I find the ones I have now to be a little boring.

Also, if you'd like to make a donation to help me get the new site up and running, I won't stop you.
I won't.

12/25 Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate it. Happy Thursday to everyone else (it -is- Wednesday, right? phew.).

Accepting Applications - here's the deal. I won't be able to start building myself a nice, remodeled system until I have the new site up. I'm thinking a whole new format, but until I have the materials to do it with, I don't want to touch it. So I won't be accepting applications until after I get the new site up and running. Also account for the fact that I'm a lazy bastard, so... give me a couple weeks. If you want to be a member, just post until you can apply.

12/24 I'm makin' a web site! With a domain name and everything. ~nodnod~ You'll love it. And it'll have a chat room and a message board far superior to the system we're using presently. You'll love it. You'll love it you'll love it. I love it. Yesyes, I'm very excited. We shall have a new system within the next week or so.

12/22 I think it was Wednesday when the second LotR came out - I'm not sure - but my friend (let's call him Bob) decided that he was going to see it with his friend (we'll call him Bill) after school. I had nothing better to do, so I decided to go with. Mind you, I'm not a fan of the books or movies; I don't think they're bad, but I don't obsess over them. I'm not that lifeless.

I'm sorry, but have any of you seen this movie? Tell me that every time you see the big red cat's eye thing come on screen, you don't think, "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!" Tell me. Honestly. It's freaking hilarious.

~cough~ But anyway. What was my point? Oh right. I had none.

By the way, does everyone like the new color scheme? A lot less... peppy, now, isn't it?

12/21 I HAVE A PICTURE YOU ALL WANNA SEE! Go look. Now. It's JP. You ALL know who JP is. If you don't, well, you're seriously out of date, man.

E-mail me if you have a suggestion for a name for a new name for the OOC Board.

Later 12/19 Bravenet's making updates. The address to this site whenever this occurs is:
Yeah, I know it's long. I did that on purpose. Exactly why, though, I can't remember...

Earlier 12/19 So I'm in the process of deleting all the OOC posts on the Tavern board. Anybody wanna help? .. didn't think so. But if you're incredibly fond of a post that you made and would like it to be transferred onto the new OOC board, please let me know. I'm already transferring some of mine. Because I like them. Shut up, they're essential posts.

Still not accepting Citizenship Applications for awhile. I might as well just take the buttons off. Hey... new update! The "send" button on the Citizenship Application page... is gone. ~points at you and laughs~

12/17 Hello, all. So I changed the format of the page. First thing's first - I made this page a big, giant BLOG. Deal with it. You don't have to look if you don't want to. You just might miss something important, is all.

I made a new message board! It's new. It's cool. It's entirely OOC. So if you post in character, I'll have to kill your character. heheh. Don't think I won't enjoy it, either. I'm thinking this'll be the beginning of a new rule not to post out of character in the Tavern... Oh well.

That's all I got for today. If I think up something new, you'll be the first ones to know. Really. I'm that lifeless. No, really. I'm serious, here.

no date: NAME THAT PENGUIN!: I'm bored and figure a nice way to amuse myself would be to ask you what we should name the penguin. I'll put his name (and yours) on the graphic if you want to give it a go. If you're thinking this is stupid, you're damn right. I never said it wasn't. I said I was -bored.- You really must learn to read more carefully.

BIG NEWS: I'm not accepting citizenship applications for a little while... making some updates and all that. So if you applied and haven't gotten a response, this is why. You aren't going to -get- accepted any time soon, either, so if you want to go ahead and post as a guest (or make your own login name as well), I'd encourage you to do so. It might take a looong time for me to finish the stuff I want to. But you'll love it, so that's a plus.

ATTENTION: There is no more Congress. Due to this fact and fact that there aren't any Guilds anymore, I put up a new welcome graphic (with a map, even). Ain't it purdy?

OLD NEWS- the town has been raided by giant gnats! Being only three inches tall, they are perfectly harmless, but really annoying.

ATTENTION MEMBERS (and nonmembers): Our Guilds are gone. The gnats ate them.

WHAT HAPPEN!- All your base are belong to us!

Back to the normal chaos...

I recently updated my character sheet (it has space for wallet-sized pictures in it now). The only down side to the new update is the fact that the web page version is almost unprintable. It'd do you better to ignore it and go for the Word document.

Web Page Version (very messed up)
Word Document Version (its original state)

Thanks, nonmembers, for stopping by and taking a look. We're not sorry we frightened you; we know we're scary people. Enjoy your stay here!

By the way ...Have an AWESOME day!

Your most FAVORITEST Lia